Gauges, cubes and analysis devices

Our standard components form the basis for gauges and analysis devices. These can also be reused several times, resulting in highly flexible but also cost-effective fixtures. We can also make conventional gauges in aluminum or plastic according to customer requirements.

Analysis devices Produktbild
Analysis devices

Design your analysis fixtures based on our modular system by using Paletti standard items such as roller slides, joints or quick-change couplings.

Aluminum or plastic control gauges Produktbild
Aluminum or plastic control gauges

For your series start-up or production accompanying we manufacture the corresponding individually designed control gauge.

Complex systems Produktbild
Complex systems

Made of combined individual gauges to accommodate a complete interior.


Always up to date

Do you have a question? A suggestion? Or an order? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Whether by e-mail or with a phone call – our experts will be happy to help you with all aspects of aluminium profiles.

Lee Connell Sales/Lead Purchaser